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Organisation of the School Day

Weekly School Hours - 32.5 hours.

(Excluding Nursery)

School Begins

Our school day starts with the bell at 8.45 am and registration is taken, class registration closes at 8:50am.

We run a 'soft start' approach to the school day where the gates and classroom doors open at 8:35am, apart from Nursery which opens its doors at 8:45am.

No children should be on the site before 8:35am without an adult, as staff are not on duty before that time and we do not have insurance to cover your child should an accident occur. 

Break Time

Infants - 10.10 am - 10.30 am

Juniors - 10.30 am – 10.50 am

The children are supervised by staff and first aiders are on duty.


Infants - 11.45 am - 12.45 pm

Juniors - 12.15 am - 1.15 pm

The children are supervised by staff and first aiders are on duty.

School Ends

Our school day ends at 3.15 pm, pupils in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One will come out to their parents/carers.

On the last day of term school always ends at 2 pm.


Our Nursery is fully flexible and parents can choose five sessions over the week.  These sessions start at 9.00 am until 12.00 noon and then from 12.00 noon until 3.00 pm.  Pupils who stay all day or attend afternoon sessions will require a packed lunch.