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Year 3 to Kew Gardens - More details

Full CalendarEvents Calendar

This event will take place on 12/10/2023

Wednesday 6th September 2023

Dear Parents,

Year 3 trip to Kew Gardens

As part of our current topic on rainforests, we will be visiting Kew Gardens, Richmond, TW9 3AE on Thursday 12th October. The day will include a visit to the famous glasshouses with a forty five minute educational session exploring plants and pollination. Weather permitting, we also hope to take the ‘Treetop Walk’ to give children an idea of what it would be like to look down on the canopy layer of a rainforest. We will be leaving school at 09:00 and are due to return to the school at 15:45. 
Children should come to school in their school uniform on the day, wearing suitable footwear for plenty of walking. This can either be sturdy shoes, walking boots or trainers. As the visit is in the middle of October, the weather may be cold and wet so they will also need a warm, waterproof coat, ideally with a hood. All children will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty of water for the day in a named rucksack. We recommend around one litre of water; a small carton of fruit juice will not be enough. The children will be carrying their own rucksack during the day and we will be bringing home all packed lunch wrappings and empty bottles. Therefore, it might be useful to include a spare carrier bag inside their rucksacks. 

If your child receives free school meals, and you would like the school to provide a packed lunch on the day, please indicate this on the permission slip. 

Any children suffering with travel sickness should be given their medicine at home before coming into school and parents should provide class teachers with any medicine to be taken before the return journey. You will need to complete a green form, available at the office, authorising the administration of medicine. This should also be handed to class teachers on the morning of the trip.   

The cost of the trip is £22 and permission slips need to be handed in to your child’s class teacher no later than Thursday 5th October 2023.  Payments need to be made on SCOPAY via  You can also make the payment through the SCOPAY mobile app which can be downloaded on the App Store or Google Play by searching for SCOPAY.  Please log in with the same details you use for  If you have a question regarding your SCOPAY account, please email the school office on   If your child is in receipt of the pupil premium grant, then the school will pay the £22 to cover the cost of the trip, in line with government policy.
Yours sincerely,

The Year 3 Team                                 

I give permission for …………………………………………………………… (child’s name) to attend the Year 3 trip to Kew Gardens on Thursday 12th October 2023 and I have made a payment of £22 via SCOPAY via (not required for pupils in receipt of pupil premium funding).

My child is eligible for free school meals and I do / do not require a school packed lunch for my child (please delete as appropriate)  

Contact number during the trip: ……………………………………………..

Signed   ……………………………………………………………………..  (Parent/Carer)

Print name ………………………………………………………………….

Date ………………………………